Duffield - Cowers Lane

Sunday 20th May

Frightened away from the Churnett by a SiFi weekend we took the second choice. Still a railway. Still a lunch outside. But no railway and lunch at the same time. It was another day for a spot of sun screen. It could not have been better.

Start - Coffee 7Km. Lunch  13½Km - Afternoon pause 19Km - Finish 21¼Km. Total ≈ 13¼ Miles (479m assent)

Chevin Golf Club: No rest for us
Chevin Golf Club: No rest for us
Belper from Firestone Hill
Belper from Firestone Hill
Thank you Peak & Northern Footpath Society
Thank you Peak & Northern Footpath Society
Belper from Chevin Mount
Belper from Chevin Mount
Some time growing straight up is not easy
Some time growing straight up is not easy
The Ford
The Ford
It would be a challenge
It would be a challenge
The way to go
The way to go
To-day's bridge is in there somewhere
To-day's bridge is in there somewhere
Hole cottage's little glade
Hole cottage's little glade
Just a quick flash
Just a quick flash
Passing at Shottle
Passing at Shottle
Derby Lightweight-M79900-Iris
Derby Lightweight-M79900-Iris
The Railway Inn: Cowers Lane
The Railway Inn: Cowers Lane
Shottle Station
Shottle Station
It's there behind the bushes
It's there behind the bushes
We know it's your field
We know it's your field
Class 122-W55006
Class 122-W55006
I was only climbing a stile
I was only climbing a stile
Again it's off
Again it's off
Romeo wherefore art thou
Romeo wherefore art thou
2 Car: Class 119 DMBC  - W51073 + Class 108 DMBS - E50599
3 Car: Class 101 DMBS - M50253 + Class 101 TSL - E59303 + Class 101 DMCL - E50170
2 Car: Class 119 DMBC - W51073 + Class 108 DMBS - E50599
3 Car: Class 101 DMBS - M50253 + Class 101 TSL - E59303 + Class 101 DMCL - E50170
Afternoon pause
Afternoon pause